Sunday, June 19, 2011

it's been one of those days

woke up this morning not feeling especially good. played with Bud in the yard quite a bit this morning and walked a bit but didn't get it recorded on RunKeeper which is kind of annoying. I apparently walked and forgot to turn the app on on my phone. Oh well I know I walked it so I'll just have to deal.

Started getting a bad headache not sure if it's sinus or migraine all I really know is it HURTS!! still. Laid down and took a several hour nap with my meta meta (my cat). He is SOOO jealous of Bud it's not even funny. He has become more love me I'm here than he has been in a long time and I'm sure it's cause Bud is getting more attention. So needless to say Meta Meta is sleeping in bed with us again.

After I woke up from my nap I thought I'll mess on the computer a while. Well I was going thru my email and trying to drink my Mt. Dew (hoping it would help get rid of the headache) and jerked pretty bad. Dropped the Mt. Dew on my wireless keyboard which then fell to the floor. The Mt. Dew not the keyboard. So I'm HOPING my keyboard doesn't end up all sticky and such cause I don't really want to have to replace it and I don't want to have to take it apart. I've taken keyboards apart but never a wireless one yet. We shall see.

I'm headed back to bed now before my headache gets worse. have a good night all!