Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Wow! The year is already moving faster than a speeding bullet. I can't believe how fast the time is passing. It's already April. In a short few days (April 14) my boyfriend and I will have been together 2 years. Wow.

Sunday will be Easter and I'm not quite ready for it yet. Everything piled up on us last week and I didn't have time for ANYTHING! It seemed like I was trying to get things together and then all of a sudden I ran out of time. Today (sometime) I've got to go and get Easter candy and eggs for my daughter at school. Not fun.

I'm trying to get an aquarium for my two little baby turtles. One of them decided he needed to crawl over my foot... so I stuck him in my pocket. The other ... well my stepson came in and gave it to me. So now I've got two lol