Monday, May 01, 2006


I've got three turtles now. Terry calls the Mississippi Map turtle that I've got a hicleback (he doesn't know where the term comes from) and the other two are southern painted turtles he calls line turtles. Because they have a line down their back. They are just too cute. One I found as he was crossing my shoe when we were putting the boat on the trailer after fishing. The other he found in the moss lookin at him. His oldest son brought me the other turtle. When I get paid this month I'm going to put them in two seperate tanks. They are just beautiful. When they get a little bigger I'll take pictures of them. They are in a 10 gallon right now but they will soon outgrow it. I haven't named my turtles yet. Not sure what I want to name them. They haven't started begging for food yet thankfully!