Tuesday, June 27, 2006

spoke too soon

I spoke too soon. Found out just now that one of the women that stood up with me when my first husband and I got married passed away June 25. After Gary passed I'm ashamed to say that I didn't keep in touch as well as I could have. Course I moved away a short 5 months after he passed and sometimes when half of your world passes away it's hard to keep up with friends and such that were more his friends than yours. They have a son who is about Natalie's age (we were pregnant about the same time) and they are good friends too. Course they would be since they've been together since they've been here (nine years).

Since I just came from up there last week I won't be going to the visitation though I really wish I could. I'm having grandma send a little bird thing to the visitation for Keith and the boys though so they'll know I was at least thinking of them and sending them a sympathy card.

Hopefully this will be the end of the deaths for a while now.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

too many deaths

Well last week I attended the funeral of my grandfather on my father's side. He had been sick for a while and spent a week in the hospital. I did get to see him one last time before he passed. He was quite thin and frail looking but they were able to take him home before he passed.

The next day my great-great-aunt passed away. They are having her funeral today. I didn't go to that one mostly because they were only doing graveside and while I became close to her after my great-grandmother passed away, there wasn't going to be much point in my being there. She was the last of my great-grandmother's sisters.

She always told great stories about my great-grandmother and her when they were kids. I now wish I could have recorded them. But you always think about those things after it's too late. She had also been sick for a while so it wasn't that much of a surprise for her to pass.

I did alright with my grandfather's funeral. When I found out I was sad for a few minutes but it was like I put it out of my mind. I was fine all the way up until the funeral. They left the casket open and I don't know for some reason I had avoided looking into the box the whole time. Until the preacher was standing up there talking and I looked at grandpa and was like ya know this is the last time I'll ever see his face again. He looked good. Better than when I saw him at the hospital but anyway.

Hopefully that will be all the deaths I have to deal with for a while. I'm tired.

Friday, June 23, 2006


Well I posted back in April that Terry was still married. Well... today we went to Newbern and picked up his wife and went and filed divorce papers. It'll be all over with 30 days from now. He has to appear in court in 30 days for about five minutes and he's all done.

I drew up the divorce papers for him, we took them to a notary and had her notarize them and then took them to the courthouse. When we got to the courthouse they looked at me like I was totally stupid, pointed out about two errors that I had done and said you'd be better off to get a lawyer to get this done. Like I wasn't smart enough to do it myself or something. I didn't particularly want to have to do it but like I said we went to a lawyer and had them all drawn up. $595 and it'll be done in a month. whoo hoo! at least I won't have that hanging over my head anymore!