Thursday, September 11, 2008

SmartList To Go

I am loving this program.

I bought a palm and so far ... I've got about 8 or 10 different Smart Lists going and so far I'm loving it. I don't know that I like the idea of having to pay $50 for it but ... I know if I change palm devices that it will work with a newer device so I may go ahead and keep it. We'll see when my time expires for my trial (in like 26 days).

I really use it quite a bit at the moment. To check my appointments and various other stuff. I plan on using it a lot more but I haven't just yet. Like I said we'll see how much I use it during my trial period. If I don't use it a LOT I might just stick with the free software I'm currently using and let the Smart List go.

I do know that my Palm Vx doesn't have enough memory for all the stuff I want :( But I'm working on deciding what I REALLY want with it and go from there.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Ahhh another day

Well today was rather eventful LOL

Terry decided he was going hunting. Well he said I need my phone out of your car. Ok so I go out to get it ... it's not there. Now no one could have gotten in my car except me, him and my daughter. I had it locked and most people if they were going to take the cell phone they would have taken the gps in my car too. A handheld not the dash mounted kind. It was in the same place as his phone.

Well it wasn't in there. So he says well the only person that I can think of that would take it is Natalie. So I drove to the school. Yes she had taken the phone without ASKING!!! Number one ... she HAS a cell phone. But according to her it's "junk."

Number two ... I told her if she would keep her room picked up for 30 days ... I would let her have a BETTER cell phone than his. One like the one I'm currently using ... oh no ... she thinks she needs it NOW. well no she doesn't she needs to WORK for what she has. Might as well learn now. She's 11 now but will shortly (in November) be 12.

Then after I got home with the phone ... Terry was going to go hunting and I was going to go geocaching for a bit. There is three within 10 miles of me that I haven't gotten to yet. Well actually four I think. In any case I took off and got two one way and then turned around and went the other way and got another so I got three caches for today. :) Pretty happy about that.

Then Terry got into a big fight ... We were playing around and he started to get a little rough. He was hurting me and the more he hurt the more I said ow that hurts. Did it stop him? No. So ... I bit him! Was I in the wrong? No I don't think so. He KNOWS what he was doing was hurting but yet he says well I just get into it ... I just can't seem to stop. Well after I bit him he sure quit fast and in a hurry

So now he's over there laying beside me and ignoring me (though not doing a good job) and playing his playstation game. Oh well such is life.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

my new to me Palm Vx

Well I got my palm Vx today. I got it off ebay. At the moment I have it charging. I charged it earlier enough to play with it a little bit before it died again.

It doesn't seem to want to charge in the cradle though so I'm charging it with the other thing. (Sorry I don't know what to call it) LOL

I'm trying to find some games to play on it so that when I'm out "waiting" for something i.e. doctor, them to work on my car or whatever I can have something to do :)

I'm hoping that it will work for what I want it for but that will take some time. Until I can charge it and see if it will work ... I will search for software for my new Palm.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


I recently got involved in a new hobby. Geocaching. It's a lot of fun (well to me it is anyways).

I call it a high tech treasure hunt. You can find more information here at

You take a gps (which I'll admit is not cheap) and then put in the coordinates of the cache you want to find from the geocaching website and go find it.

So far I've only found 13 but I am REALLY enjoying it. I've found mostly micros but I've been more places than I've ever been around here. In the four years I have lived here I didn't realize how pretty some of the places were. I've been in about three cemeteries. I have always liked cemeteries. Find some cool stuff and some strange names in a cemetery.

The favorite place that I've been so far is called the Guiding Light cache. It's high on a hill with a BIG cross. It was originally a memorial for Lee Morris. Now it is both a memorial to him and to the victims of the ones who lost their lives to a tornado in April 2006 in Dyersburg, TN

Very pretty scenery. And I look forward to seeing more places like it. Thanks for putting it there. I have driven by it several times and never seen it until I started geocaching.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Wow it's been a while

I haven't posted in a LONG time. It's been more than two years now. I'm not really sure WHY I stopped posting ... I just did.

Just got back from Illinois this weekend. My grandmother was diagnosed with cancer back in October last year. So Natalie hasn't been staying with her the last couple years. I go up with her and stay at either grandma's or Bec's house and let grandma and Natalie spend time together.