Tuesday, June 27, 2006

spoke too soon

I spoke too soon. Found out just now that one of the women that stood up with me when my first husband and I got married passed away June 25. After Gary passed I'm ashamed to say that I didn't keep in touch as well as I could have. Course I moved away a short 5 months after he passed and sometimes when half of your world passes away it's hard to keep up with friends and such that were more his friends than yours. They have a son who is about Natalie's age (we were pregnant about the same time) and they are good friends too. Course they would be since they've been together since they've been here (nine years).

Since I just came from up there last week I won't be going to the visitation though I really wish I could. I'm having grandma send a little bird thing to the visitation for Keith and the boys though so they'll know I was at least thinking of them and sending them a sympathy card.

Hopefully this will be the end of the deaths for a while now.