Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Well I voted for the first time in my life. It's kinda funny. I moved down here to Tennessee and I'm doing all kinds of new things. Today I voted in the city primary where I live. I didn't know anybody running. And actually there was only like two races that had anyone running against them. After all it was just a primary. A Democratic primary no less. In the past ... had I voted I would have voted Republican. Only because in Illinois where I'm originally from most of the people that I knew and liked were Republican. But I never voted up there. Mostly cause I hate the idea of doing anything new by myself and two because ... well I didn't ever see the point. LOL

In any case I went and voted today. After I was finished a friend of ours (mine and my boyfriends) came over and he said well who did you vote for and I said I just picked one. He said did you vote for this one and I said nope. he said well what about this what and I said nope. I just went eeny meeny miney mo! and picked that way. He said well I'm not sure I want you voting again and I said well when you don't know anyone how else you gonna pick. So ... I picked. Not the right one of course. They shoulda put the guy I should have voted for in the mo place. LOL

After that I took a nap.