Sunday, December 12, 2010

I need weight while I sleep

No I'm not talking about someone. I'm talking about someTHING!! I don't know why but I can't sleep without the weight of a blanket. My favorite weight would have to be a blanket that belonged to my grandma. I LOVE that blanket. It doesn't smell like grandma's house much anymore. I'd give anything to have grandma rather than the blanket but it's warm and soft and yet cool which is hard to explain. No matter how hot I get I can stand to have this quilt/blanket on me while I sleep. Without any weight I toss and turn and can't sleep no matter what I do.

I discovered this a long time ago but it really hit home last night. My feet were hot and I didn't want to sleep under the cover (and I have a comforter not the grandma blanket. My daughter is currently sleeping with it and doesn't particularly like having to give up the grandma blanket so ... I let her use it lol

In any case I would pull the covers off my feet and then lay there wide awake and couldn't go back to sleep. Finally I said well I guess I'm just gonna have to have hot feet. Covered up my feet and slept fine until 530 a.m. when the duck hunters started shooting at the ducks.

Boy I hope they got several cause that's all I've heard all day long!!